A downloadable game

Written by John Hawley and Eva Schiffer

A game for 12 players and 2 GMs over about 2 hours

The Interplanetary Federation wants you (yes YOU! That's right I'm pointing right at you!), to join their elite corps of space fairing people! See the galaxy! Learn new skills! Fly space ships! Meet alien races! Battle Space-Pirates! Most importantly of all help protect the citizens of the Interplanetary Federation from hostile space fairing entities!

This game is a light larp where 12 players will take on the roles of two crews of cadets in the Federation SpaceForce taking part in a training exercise being run in the Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator. The 12 characters are each assigned to teams and stations and you’ll be playing Artemis for about an hour and a half with an out-of-character introduction before and short game wrap after the video game. 

This game requires you to own two bridge licenses for Artemis. These can be purchased on Steam or directly from Artemis’ website. You will also need a good deal of hardware, including computers for each player that are capable of running Artemis and two projectors or large TVs (one to show the main screen in front of each of the crews). 

This game is set in an entirely fictional setting, inspired by the small amount of setting information present in Artemis. 

This game was originally written in 2014 and revised in 2020. 


20201002-CadetYears.1.2.zip 8.8 MB

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